Colonial’s Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic approach to safety that is integrated throughout the company. Based on standards developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and peer pipeline operators, Colonial’s SMS provides a framework that drives continuous improvement and excellence in safety.
Continuous Improvement/Recommended Practices
Colonial Pipeline is committed to continuously improving our systems
and processes to maintain a highly efficient, best-in-class pipeline
Based on API standards, Colonial:
- Plans pipeline operations with established safety objectives and the processes necessary to deliver results
- Performs operations in accordance with the safety plan
- Reviews performance indicators to measure improvement
- Evaluates organizational performance
- Considers recommendations for changes from team members
- Implements operational refinements as necessary to enhance safety
Systematic Approach to Pipeline Safety Management
As an industry responsible for delivering energy throughout the nation, we take measures to protect communities and the environment. Safety Management Systems (SMS) have made a critical difference in other industries, such as aviation, nuclear power, and chemical manufacturing.
Pipeline operators, through the American Petroleum Institute (API) and in partnership with the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), state pipeline regulators, and other interested stakeholders, developed API RP 1173 to bring the benefits of SMS to pipeline operations. Pipeline operators use API RP 1173 to systematically manage pipeline safety, and continuously measure progress to improve overall pipeline safety performance.
Implementation of Pipeline SMS is a journey, not a destination, and operators face challenges and bumps along the way. With leadership commitment, the pipeline industry reaps the benefits of continual safe operations resulting from a strong Pipeline SMS.
SMS Key Elements
SMS includes 16 essential elements
for the comprehensive and systematic management of safety-related
activities for pipeline operations. The elements are part of a logical, repeatable, and consistent approach to ensure safe pipeline
operations across Colonial’s complex operating organization.
1. Leadership and management commitment
2. Internal stakeholder engagement
3. External stakeholder engagement
4. Leak detection
5. Safety assurance
6. Incident investigation, evaluation and lessons learned
7. Management review and continuous improvement
8. Risk management
9. Emergency preparedness and response
10. Operating procedures
11. System integrity
12. Technology
13. Change management
14. Contractor management
15. Competence, awareness and training
16. Documentation and record keeping
Continuous Safety Performance Improvement
Like other management systems, Colonial’s SMS uses a Plan-Do-Check-Adjust process to enable continuous safety performance improvement. Colonial “Plans” pipeline operations with established safety objectives and processes necessary to deliver improved results. The “Do” phase is how Colonial executes its plans. Key to the process, Colonial “Checks” performance indicators to measure improvement. Based on evaluations of performance by the organization and its management, adjustments to “Adjusts” upon areas for safety performance improvement are identified and executed.
America’s Pipeline Industry:
Focused on Zero Incidents, Committed
to Continuous Improvement